: Gives you a large amount of cash, around 500K. Be careful when using this because it can break the missions where you get the petrol mower and the flamethrower.

: Give you all the tools even if you can't use them in a mission. Some commands can just be typed in-game without entering them in the console. There are some hot heys that can be pressed, and you can type some commands into the console, though you will not be able to click on the text entry box unless you have your tablet open.

You can now press Tilde in-game to open the console. You should get a message saying that dev keys have been activated. Enter the the code "iddqd" and press enter. To get the the prompt, go into the game, pause the game by pressing ESC and then press Tilde (~) to open the prompt.

Many people did not know that the "Enter the Code" feature was actually a console command unlocker.